Archives de 21 novembre 2013


Je suis tombée aujourd’hui sur un super article de mon site préféré de critiques de séries, faisant un bilan des nouvelles séries de 2013 passées au crible du Test de Bechdel

Les 3 questions du test de Bechdel: 

  1. Y a-t-il deux personnages féminins identifiés au moins par leur prénom?
  2. Se parlent-elles?
  3. Parlent-elles d’autre chose que d’hommes?

Ce test est assez pratique, même s’il a ses limites ; il permet surtout de visualiser le peu d’œuvres qui offrent une représentation des femmes équivalente à celle des hommes. Je le conçois surtout comme un outil statistique, ou un moyen de filtrer les films que je regarde. 

Mais un problème m’est apparu en marge de ce Test de Bechdel: la reconnaissance infinie qu’on porte aux réalisateurs masculins dès le moment où ils réussissent le test de Bechdel

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Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



Rescue Ink is a non-profit organization that exists for the advocacy and protection of all animals. Based in New York, the team is compromised of a group of bikers along with an amazing group of volunteers including local police, private investigators, and lawyers. Rescue Ink is all about zero tolerance when it comes to animal abuse – and they’re not afraid to get a little in-your-face to prove it. This group of seemingly tough guys have a soft spot for all creatures and will stop at nothing, within the bounds of the law, to save animals from dire and desperate situations; they rescue fighting dogs, confront animal abusers, work to find abandoned and neglected animals loving homes, and investigate stolen animals.

Visit their Website | Volunteer |  Donate | Learn More


Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


Quand ça y est j’ai vu le 9.07 de SPN. J’ai pas du tout pleuré trois fois et je ne suis pas du tout émotionnellement dévastée… Du tout (oui je suis trop attachée aux personnages fictionnels et je le vis bien !)

When I finally watched SPN 9.07…. I totally did NOT cry three times and I’m so not devastated inside… Nope… (Yeah I’m too emotionaly atached to fictionals characters and I don’t care okay? )

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?







This is too important for me not to mention.

This “Christian” child-rearing manual has led to at least three known deaths through child-abuse.

The book states: “Give 10 licks at a time, more if the child resists. Be careful about using it in front of others — even at church; nosy neighbors might call social workers.”

This is literally a how-to manual on how to abuse and beat your children.

Sign this petition to have Amazon stop selling this hideous thing.


OH MY GOD.  Okay stop scrolling and look at me.  My mother actually used this book.  I am a victim of this piece of literary evil, and let me tell you, it has left me with some seriously deep scars.  It got to the point that  my brother and I couldn’t even laugh.  Laughter was considered “foolishness” and we would literally be struck ten times for it if she heard it.  Let me reiterate that. 

We could not enjoy ourselves or even be happy without being beaten.

One of the “Christian” cult families introduced this to her and yes, it is basically condoning serious child abuse.  I actually personally believe in corporal punishment and let me tell you, THIS IS NOT CORPORAL PUNISHMENT.  It is heavy abuse and it’s evil, evil, evil.  I’m going to go sign that petition, and so help me, if you know of someone using this book, call Child Protective services immediately.  The children of that cult family are now actually being rehabilitated because they grew up like robots.  It’s a sick fucking book, okay? Sick.  Let’s get this thing banned before it ruins anymore lives. 

I am the way I am today because of this hideous thing.  I cry every time someone even gently reprimands me.  I’m afraid of cutting up in public because I think someone is going to hit me.  Worst of all: It taught me to tolerate abuse, that I deserved abuse, and that if someone abused me, I was clearly in the wrong.  I can’t possibly begin to tell you how dangerous it has been for me.  Thanks to people around me who were raised right, I am only now starting to learn to stand up for myself and that, no, I am not an idiot who deserves verbal, physical, emotional, or mental abuse.  I am not just a child who will forever be subject to her power-hungry mother.  

Most of all…  Children are not animals.  And really, who the fuck even treats an animal like that???  Please, if you reblog one thing from me, please let it be this.  I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did. 

I agree with everything said above. This book is a Manuel on how to inflict not only physical but psychological abuse on children. It instructions caretakers to hose down children with cold water for misbehaving, starve them whenever they find it necessary, and lock them outside of their homes as punishment for a few nights.

It also explains how you are to beat your child for whatever infraction you deem worthy.

Not only does this book explain how to beat your child, it gives you a wonderful suggestion on what to use to do the beating and how not to get caught. Thanks to this book one of my parents favorite weapons of choice was plumping tubing.

Do i need to explain how painful that shit is? How much it hurts to move or breath after multiple hits from something that was never intended for use on humans?

This book is evil.
The authors are evil.
Anyone who takes advice from this book is evil.

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


In response to my Ms. Male Character video someone made this clever image illustrating what “female as default” might look like. Because we live in a strongly male-identified society the idea of Pac-Woman as the “unmarked” default and Mr. Pac-Woman as the deviation “marked” with masculinizing gender signifiers feels strange and downright absurd. While Pac-man and the deviation Ms. Pac-Man seems completely normal in our current cultural context.

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?




Edgar Allan Poe & H.P Lovecraft by Abigail Larson

Here’s Abigail Larson’s official site.

These are really old, but I’ve never posted them here. Thanks for the shout Bizarre Magazine <3

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



#i feel this is a good representation of a period

It’s back

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


Hey there you! Here’s a comic that I did for school! It’s about Beauty and appearances and people. I got a lot of help from twitter for the last page. Thanks to anyone who sent me selfies! I loved your cute faces.

Hope you’ll like the comic! Have a nice sunday!

Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



Publié: 21 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



Everyone is a hero