Archives de 4 novembre 2013

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?

I’ve heard this counter-argument almost every single time I’ve tried to bring up a feminist issue with a man: “but not all men are like that!”

I know. Not all men are rapists. Not all men abuse their significant others. Not all men actively oppress women. I get it. Moving on.

Having your gender generalized is irritating, I know.

However, generalizations about women–along with misogyny as a whole–can lead to rape, murder, abuse, belittling, harassment, wage gaps, and handfuls of other harmful things. Generalizations about men cause hurt feelings.

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug – Sneak Peek [HD]

#HobbitFanEvent Exclusive

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



But look what you did!

it hurts me # because usually by this point in a companions arc # aka at the end of their season # they believe in themselves # theyve traveled with the doctor and theyve done and seen such amazing things # and in doing so they realize their own potential # their own skills # but donna # despite everything shes done # saved a family in pompeii # freed the ood # solved murders with agatha goddamn christie # saved the doctor from himself #despite ALL OF THAT # she still thinks shes nothing special # because her entire life thats what shes been told # she has never been able to see just what a remarkable person she truly is # and the doctor is so surprised here # because he can see it # clear as day # hes seen it for a long time # and what kills me about donnas ending # isnt just that she loses her memories # she loses him too # her best friend in the universe # the one who listened #even when she wasnt shouting  (via yaccbs)

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?








What makes it even better is the one causing it is satan

i can’t even put into words how accurate this is

Brought to you by The Supernatural fandom

“You need a gif? We got ‘em all!”

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?



Inspired by: ”I want a spn episode where danneel/vicki/gen are a team of hunters who run across the boys and rescue them and then kill the monster and consistently save their asses” (x)

THAT WOULD BE THE MOST BADASS EPISODE!!!! I’m sorry but Vicki alone would kick so much ass!!!!!

I need this more than air.


i showed a picture of Victoria Vantoch (Misha Collins wife) to one of my friends and their response was “she is ugly” and “she doesn’t deserve someone as attractive as Misha”                      image

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


Justin Bartels – Impression (2012)

“This is the best thing on the Internet. We undress everyday and it shows us how confined we are. Those imprints show how uncomfortable we are throughout each day just to impress other people. We create prisons in our own clothes. We are a prisoner in a socially constructed idea of what is beautiful.”

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?




I got dressed in my traditional Indian regalia, but there was a man, he was the producer of the whole show. He took that speech away from me and he warned me very sternly. “I’ll give you 60 seconds or less. And if you go over that 60 seconds, I’ll have you arrested. I’ll have you put in handcuffs.”

– Sacheen Littlefeather in Reel Injun (2009), dir. Neil Diamond.

They were MAD, CONFUSED AND PRESSED that Marlon Brando would betray White Supremacy in this way.

To this very day, they are TWISTED over this.

And when Littlefeather got up there and READ THEM FOR FILTH, they GAGGED. For eons.

So I imagine there are people like me out there who’ve never even heard of Marlon Brando and are extremely confused over why this is important.

Marlon Brando was the Don in The Godfather, and in 1973, he was nominated for and won an Academy Award for it. However, he was also a huge Natives rights activist, and boycotted the ceremony because he felt that Hollywood’s depictions of Native Americans in the media led to the Wounded Knee Incident (which I was always taught as “the second massacre at Wounded Knee” but apparently that’s not the real name). He sent Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache Native rights activist, in his stead. Wikipedia’s article on her explains the rest:

Brando had written a 15-page speech for Littlefeather to give at the ceremony, but when the producer met her backstage he threatened to physically remove her or have her arrested if she spoke on stage for more than 60 seconds.[5] Her on-stage comments were therefore improvised. She then went backstage and read the entire speech to the press. In his autobiography My Word is My BondRoger Moore (who presented the award) claims he took the Oscar home with him and kept it in his possession until it was collected by an armed guard sent by the Academy.

That is what this gifset is about.

You have GOT to read up on this. The Wounded Knee Incident, Marlon Brando and Sacheen Littlefeather, Anna Mae Aquash. ALL OF IT. 

Publié: 4 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?


“what will your kids think of that tattoo?”
my kids aren’t going to give 2 shits because i’m not going to raise them to be a judgmental asshole like yours did