Publié: 3 novembre 2013 dans ...Quoi de neuf ?

By comparison, domestic violence is downright controversial. It touches on complicated issues like power, rape culture, victim-blaming, and gender roles, and stirs up uncomfortable emotions. While few people would claim they support abusers, many known perpetrators of domestic violence — from Roman Polanski to Chris Brown to a number of football players — remain venerated cultural figures. Is it any wonder that, even though domestic violence affects many more women and families, breast cancer is the issue we’ve all come to associate with October? Every year 232,340 women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer; 1.3 million are assaulted by their husbands or boyfriends. One in eight women will suffer from breast cancer in her lifetime. One in four will experience domestic violence. Good luck finding that statistic on a yogurt lid this month.

Ann Friedman, NY Magazine (via 500fairytales)

I’m just gonna leave this here…

(via missgingerlee)

No one wants to make as big a deal out of domestic violence because then they’d be forced to hold men accountable for their role in this issue, which ranges from full-on raging violence to passivity as their friends and brothers contribute to this epidemic. Nope, fighting an invisible monster is much less scary than a real one that can look you in the eye.

(via misandry-mermaid)

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